Corporate Social Responsibility Audit

JVB is a leading CSR audit firm dedicated to helping businesses navigate the complex world of corporate social responsibility. With our expertise and comprehensive audit services, we ensure that organizations meet their CSR goals, comply with regulations, and enhance their reputation as responsible corporate citizens.

As a trusted partner, JVB brings years of experience and a deep understanding of CSR practices across various industries. Our team of highly skilled professionals possesses the knowledge and insights to assess your organization’s CSR initiatives, identify gaps, and provide strategic recommendations for improvement. We tailor our services to meet the unique needs of each client, ensuring a customized and effective approach.

Our CSR audit process encompasses a thorough evaluation of your organization’s policies, practices, and reporting mechanisms. We assess areas such as environmental sustainability, community engagement, employee welfare, supply chain ethics, and more. By conducting a comprehensive analysis, we help you identify opportunities for improvement, mitigate risks, and align your CSR efforts with industry best practices.

At JVB, we prioritize transparency, integrity, and excellence in all our interactions. Our audit methodologies are robust, objective, and adhere to international standards. We strive to deliver timely and accurate audit reports, empowering you to make informed decisions and demonstrate your commitment to social responsibility.

Partner with JVB, the leading CSR audit firm in Mumbai, and let us help you elevate your CSR performance. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn how we can assist you in achieving your CSR goals. Together, we can make a positive impact on society while enhancing your organization’s long-term success.

Strategic business benefits of CSR audit are:

  • Assists in creating a positive brand awareness
  • Increased employee satisfaction,
  • Reduced operating costs,
  • Improved community relations and corporate accountability.

We provide below mentioned services:

  • Consultancy on Applicability of CSR Regulations
  • Advisory on formation of CSR Policy
  • Advisory on formation and setting roles and responsibilities of CSR committee
  • Advisory on list of activities that needs to be undertaken on CSR program for a corporate
  • Auditing of Books of Accounts.

  • Formation of a Trust or section 8 company or any other mode of organization (NPO) for performing CSR Activities
  • Application u/s12A of Income tax Act for getting exemption on NPO formed for conducting CSR Activities
  • Application for grant of approval u/s80G of Income Tax Act for the NPO
  • Advising on Accounting and Tax Aspects